Sword & Shovel is a community of men looking to face our fears, failures, and frustrations by meeting in person or on Zoom to study the Bible with a commitment to taking action. We believe that every man has giants to slay and Jordans to cross, much like the Israelites faced as they left slavery en route to the Promised Land. We believe that the Four Core areas of a man’s life must be developed to live “the life that is truly life” - Courage, Character, Camaraderie, and Competency. We dedicate much of our studies and resources to acquiring and maintaining level changes in each Core Four.

So join us! Together we can do more, become more, and enjoy more!
More of the life that God has in mind for you as a man!
More of the life that leaves a legacy for the generations that follow!
And more of a life that brings tremendous personal contentment in the second half of life…YOUR life!



Chris Cannon is the founder and Executive Director of S&S and a native of the South Bay in Southern California. A husband, dad, grandpa, and former pastor, Chris is devoted to leading men into discovering the overwhelming and all-consuming journey of following Jesus Christ into every aspect of their lives. He is confident that it is never too late to enter your manhood and that “though the righteous fall, they get up again.” Proverbs 24:16. When he’s not leading men, he can be found playing pickleball, collecting sea glass with his wife Anne, or wrestling with his grandkids!