The Problem

Recent research consistently reveals that men are feeling more and more disconnected from other men, with over 2/3 claiming to not have a single friend who truly “knows them.” Men are responsible for 75% of “deaths of despair” and are making other devastating life choices, in large part, due to this form of social isolation. 

Sword & Shovel believes that one way to disrupt these trends is to call men to intentionally connect with other men by engaging in simple means of outreach.

Our first step is challenging 2,000 men to identify, pray for, and connect with six men each who are currently disconnected (lacking social and spiritual community).

Our Solution

If you know of six men who you feel are lacking community, this challenge is for you! Send them a text, give them a call, stop by their cubicle, and chat with them after your kid’s soccer game. Check in! We are not expecting you to be everything, but instead, do something!

Feel up to the challenge? Let us know! Fill out the form below so we can pray for you and your six men and also encourage you throughout this challenge!

Your Challenge


  • Pray for God to put some names of men on your heart and mind.

    Establish your list.

    Fill out the Challenge Form above.

    Pray for them.

    Send them a text message that is personal and communicates value. “Hey Steve! Thinking about you today, and hope you are well!”

    Based on their response, consider a word of encouragement, Bible verse, a GIF or meme, or a joke. You know what your friend needs from you. Be present and just care!

  • Stay engaged with your friend until you believe he is “back.” Each man is different. We recommend a weekly text until you believe your friend is now connected to you and/or other men.

    Again, you don’t need to be everything for these men, you just need to do something to help remove them from their isolation.

  • Repeat the process. And fill out the Challenge Form again so we can continue praying for you and them!

    Additionally, consider asking one or more of your guys if they’d also like to join the challenge themselves!

    There is a good chance he knows some men who may also be disconnected from male friendship.

  • Nothing but a few minutes a day of your time to spend thinking about and intentionally connecting with men who need community!

  • Think about the men you do know, even if it’s not six, and ask God to see if there are any you might be missing. Six is just a goal, not a requirement to participate